Our Six Games That Taught Us Life Lessons

Video games often offer more than just entertainment; they can impart valuable life skills and lessons. In a recent episode of the "Good Playing With You" podcast, we discussed which video games have helped us prepare for real-life challenges.

1. Guitar Hero

Guitar Hero might seem like pure fun, but it has practical benefits too. The game inspired and trained Matt Lord to play the actual guitar. He thinks that spending hours playing Guitar Hero on demo setups at GameStop helped developed finger coordination and muscle memory that translated into real guitar skills. It's a great example of how games can bridge the gap between virtual and real-world abilities.

2. Strategy Games (SimCity, Civilization, Cities: Skylines)

Strategy games are excellent for teaching resource management. Matthew Maulding thinks that balancing resources in games like SimCity, Civilization, and Cities: Skylines has parallels in managing his personal finances. These games train players to make strategic decisions, ensuring that investing too much in one area doesn't lead to deficits in another. The lessons learned here can help with budgeting and financial planning in real life.

3. Animal Crossing

Dan Whitehill had a similar thought. For him, Animal Crossing is surprisingly educational when it comes to financial responsibilities. The game introduces players to the concept of mortgages through the character Tom Nook. The constant need to pay off debts and manage expenses for home upgrades mirrors real-life financial commitments. It's a fun yet eye-opening way to understand the importance of financial planning.

4. Dark Souls

For Lord’s second choice, he believes that Dark Souls teaches the value of taking calculated risks and perseverance. In the game, players often carry a large number of souls, the in-game currency, and must navigate through dangerous environments. Losing these souls can be devastating, akin to losing a significant investment. The game encourages players to prepare thoroughly and believe in their abilities, highlighting the importance of resilience and risk management in real life.

5. The Legend of Zelda

It’s the basics for this one! The original Legend of Zelda game taught Maulding the cardinal directions—North, East, South, and West. Navigating the endless forest in the game required understanding these directions, which translated into real-world navigation skills. It's a simple yet effective example of how games can provide foundational knowledge that stays with you for life.

6. Bioshock

Finally, Dan thinks that Bioshock offers a darker, more contemporary lesson on the dangers of corporate and CEO worship. The game's narrative around Andrew Ryan's downfall due to greed mirrors today's world, where CEOs are often idolized despite questionable decisions that impact employees negatively. Bioshock serves as a reminder to critically evaluate leadership and not blindly follow those in power.

From learning financial management and risk-taking to understanding cardinal directions and questioning leadership, video games have much to offer beyond entertainment. These games provide valuable lessons that prepare players for various real-life situations. As gaming continues to evolve, it’s exciting to see how future games will further contribute to personal growth and development.

Make sure to subscribe to our podcast, "Good Playing With You," for more insights and discussions on video games and their impact on our lives!


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