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Our Grand Theft Auto VI Wishlist

As the rumor mill for Grand Theft Auto VI keeps on spinning, fans of the franchise can’t help but dream about what the next installment will bring. With speculation running wild and leaks hinting at some exciting new features, we gathered our wildest hopes and most cautious fears for the next big thing in the GTA universe.

Real Estate Tycoon Mode

Ever wanted to own more than just a few properties in GTA Online? Well, the first thing on our list is a deep expansion into real estate. We’re not just talking about buying a nightclub or a bunker. We want the ability to own ANY property across the entire game world. Mansion? Check. Tiny convenience store? Why not? Give us the freedom to throw money around and feel like a true digital tycoon.

DIY Soundtrack

We get it. GTA’s radio stations are iconic. We’ve heard those DJ voices, spinning the same hits for the past decade, but after a while, even “Radio Los Santos” starts to feel stale. Let us bring our own playlists into the game! Imagine blasting your personal playlist as you tear through the city on a crime spree.

Make It Simple, Stupid

Here’s the thing—GTA Online is incredible, but the menus? Woof. We don’t need a degree in “Gaming UX” to find where we’re going. Let’s streamline that user interface and keep the chaos in the gameplay, not in figuring out if we should be looking at our in-game phone or the pause menu to start a mission. A clean, simple UI is key.

Give Us Some Real Impact

Speaking of impact, we want the world to feel our decisions. Destroy a building? Let it stay destroyed. Blow up a block? Make it part of the story. These little touches would make the world feel alive and reactive. And no more random, unopenable doors! Give us access to those tantalizingly locked rooms—nothing’s worse than a world filled with unusable doors.

DLC Dreams

Raise your hand if you still feel blue balled from the lack of single-player DLC in GTA V. Yeah, we’re still recovering from that emotional trauma. Rockstar, we’re begging you: Please give us more single-player content. Remember the epic DLCs of the past like "The Ballad of Gay Tony"? We need that, but more. Don’t leave us high and dry again while you rake in all that sweet GTA Online cash.

Bigger, Badder Heists

What’s better than planning and pulling off an epic heist? Nothing. The GTA heists, both in single-player and online, are always a blast. Bring them back, bigger and better, with more layers of strategy. Maybe throw in a couple of alligators for good measure (yes, we want to feed our enemies to them).

Activities Galore

Who doesn’t love a little side hustle? GTA V gave us plenty to do when we weren’t blowing up cars or robbing banks. Let’s take it up a notch—give us surfing, alligator hunting (Florida, duh), and even the ability to feed enemies to said alligators. It’s all about variety, baby.

NPC Chaos and Social Satire

We loved the wild NPC encounters from Vice City and San Andreas. Random gang shootouts, NPCs tagging walls—those little moments made the world feel alive. Let’s amp up the chaos in GTA VI. GTA V nailed the social satire with its jabs at pop culture (Fame or Shame, anyone?). We want more of that biting humor, especially in today’s crazy world and we don’t doubt that we will receive.

Faster Loading Times—Please!

For the love of all that is holy, speed up the loading times. We’re tired of spending more time in the clouds than on the streets of Los Santos. We’re not birds—we’re gamers! Give us faster transitions and let us dive into the action without the wait.

Whether we’re asking for an immersive world, a more streamlined UI, or the ability to hunt alligators, the next GTA game has a lot to live up to. We’ll be counting down the days until it arrives, and when it does, we’ll be ready for the mayhem to begin. Here’s hoping our GTA VI dreams come true!